Teaching as Intellectual Solidarity


  • Kevin Russel Magill Baylor University
  • Arturo Rodriguez Boise State University




Critical Pedagogy, Intellectual Solidarity, Ideology, Ontology, Organization, Power, Agency, Critical Humanism


This paper is a critical case study, which proposes intellectual solidarity as a grounding framework for education. Our initial assumptions considered the following: first, what are those antagonisms limiting authentic human relationships and social transformation in schooling and society? Second, what are some of the dispositions, pedagogies, and experiences of teachers who identify as critical educators and endeavor to transform those antagonisms with students and community members? As we proceed, we describe what we understand to be the interconnected relationship between alienation, schooling, and socialization. Our claim is the relationship between intellectualism and solidarity might be understood as an important remedy to the harmful ideologies limiting personal freedoms and especially collective agency. We identify middle class neoliberal whiteness as the prevailing ideological construct limiting the type of work teachers might otherwise conduct. We further argue teachers might begin by adopting and embodying a critical ontological pedagogical posture to focus more transformational forms of learning. Finally, we acknowledge intellectual solidarity is not a series of practices, but rather an approach working toward informed collective agency.




Author Biographies

Kevin Russel Magill, Baylor University

Kevin R. Magill is Assistant Professor of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction at Baylor University whose research interests include examinations of the social relations of production in teaching and learning and how critical educational experiences might lead to social transformation. He is particularly interested in how these unfold in social studies, civics, and community contexts.

Arturo Rodriguez, Boise State University

Arturo Rodriguez is Professor of Literacy, Language, and Culture at Boise State University whose teaching and research interests include critical theory/pedagogy, critical humanism, multiculturalism, and social justice issues in education.



2021-01-03 — Updated on 2021-01-03


