Labouring for a Cause: Community Engaged Pedagogy During a Pandemic

Main Article Content

Sandra Smeltzer
Vanessa R. Sperduti
Calvi Leon
Inhye Park


As a community-focused form of experiential learning, community engaged learning (CEL) has become increasingly popular in institutions of higher education. If coordinated and facilitated in an ethical manner, CEL is a labour-intensive endeavour for faculty, staff, students, and community partners. COVID has changed much of how the world functions; the academy is no exception. The shift from in-person to emergency remote learning and mentorship has dramatically increased the workload for all CEL participants. This article critically examines these myriad labour expectations in the midst of a pandemic, highlighting the particularly deleterious impacts on individuals already struggling with the physical and mental health ramifications of COVID.

Article Details

The Labour of COVID
Author Biography

Sandra Smeltzer, Western University

Associate Professor and Assistant Dean, Research

Faculty of Information and Media Studies

Western University